Why Gaslighting in a Relationship is More Common than You Think

Gaslighting is a manipulative method of emotional abuse employed by partners or spouses to gain control over another person. As it causes profound and long-term psychological damage, this insidious practice should be taken seriously in order to safeguard one’s mental health as well as the relationship itself.

Regrettably, gaslighting in relationships is unfortunately far more prevalent than one may expect. Studies have revealed that an estimated 15% of people have encountered this form of emotional abuse at some point in their lives.

Gaslighting a partner may seem like an innocuous strategy, but there are insidious motives behind it – such as controlling or manipulating them into something they wouldn’t consent to. In some cases, people use gaslighting methods in order to retain their partners and keep them from leaving the relationship. Thus, this unsavory practice is often employed when someone wants power over another person’s actions and decisions.

Whatever the reason, why gaslighting in a relationship is always a form of emotional abuse and it’s important to be aware of the signs so you can protect yourself from it.

Gaslighting in a Relationship Signs to Look Out

Gaslighting in a Relationship Signs to Look Out

To discern if you’re possibly a victim of gaslighting, be on the lookout for these tell-tale signs:

1. You second-guess yourself all the time

Are you frequently questioning your decision-making or recollections? If so, it could be a red flag that someone is attempting to manipulate and control you through gaslighting.

2. You’re always apologizing

Do you habitually apologize, even when your conscience tells you that there is nothing to be sorry for? If so, your partner may have been using gaslighting tactics to make you feel like everything wrong in the relationship falls on your shoulders.

3. You’re always on edge

Do you ever feel like your partner is making an effort to make you doubt yourself? If so, it could be a sign that they’re attempting to manipulate and control the situation by gaslighting you.

4. You have trouble making decisions

Are you beginning to experience self-doubt, even though previously you were sure of your judgments? If yes, your partner may be gaslighting you and making you question yourself.

5. You question your reality

Feeling as though you can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality? This is an obvious indicator that your partner has been gaslighting you, thus generating uncertainty in you.


If you suspect that you are being gaslighted, it is essential to connect with a reliable source for help. Reach out to family or friends who can lend an ear and listen to your experience. You may also reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline for more information on available resources and support services as well.

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